
I e-Mobility

You drive an electric powered car? Then you need an intelligent electric car charging. With our solution you have a lot of benefits.

The highlights

  • Specify when you want your car charged

    With the integration of the car charging system into your Loxone Smart Home, you are able to specify when your vehicle should be charged. So you can charge your car when electricity prices are cheaper during 'off-peak' times.

  • Integration of your photovoltaic system

    If you have integrated a photovoltaic system in your Loxone Smart Home, then you are able to balance and optimise how the energy you generate via your PV panels is used throughout your home. This gives you a balance of the total load of the house depending on how much 'free' electricity is available for charging to ensure you’re not buying energy from the grid when you don’t need to.

  • Data recording and monitoring

    Keep an overview of all of your charging activity – when are you charging your car and how much energy you are using for it. Periodicaly your Loxone Smart Home can give you a report with useful information and statistics about charging activity. All that you can see on your smartphone or tablet via the app.